In this example, we are going to see how to unmerge the cells using the format menu.Ĭonsider the below example, which shows sales person monthly call and the names are aligned as per the designation.
The second option is we can use the format menu to unmerge the cells. We can unmerge the cells by simply using the excel ribbon where we can find the “Merge center” Dropbox, and under that, we will select unmerge cells which is the first option. In Microsoft Excel, there are two ways to unmerge the cells the options are as follows. As we can see in the above screenshot, the selected cell got unmerged, and we can see the blank cell spaces below the “Sales” Row, which is shown in the below screenshot. Once we click on the unmerged cells, the selected merged cells will get unmerged, and as we click on the unmerge cells, the word “SALES” will align to the left position. So click on the fourth option called “ Unmerged Cells”, as shown in the below screenshot. Click on the merge center drop down box so that we will get the unmerge cells option. Once we click on the merged cells, go to Home menu Tab there, we can notice that the “Merge & Center” Option is enabled. First, click on the cell named Sales which is shown in the below screenshot. In order to unmerge the cells, follow the below steps. In the above screenshot, we can see that the Sales and Sales Efficiency rows are merged. In this example, we will see a step-by-step procedure of unmerging all the merged cells data. Once we click on unmerge cells, the word “Grand Total” will be in the left alignment. So as we can notice, the merged cell named grand total is in the center. Once you click on the unmerge cells, all merged cells will get unmerged, and we will get the blank spaces of the merged cells. Click on the Merge & center drop down box so that we will get a drop-down list and click on the option “ Unmerge Cells”, which is shown in the below screenshot. Go to the Alignment Group Section, where we will find the Merge & Center Dropdown box. In the below screenshot, we can see that “Grand Total” cells are merged. We can notice that if the cells are merged, then the merge center button will be shown as enabled. First, click on the specific cell to unmerge the data. Once you hit all three keys, the selected merged cells will be unmerged. On the keyboard, hold down the ALT key, and by holding the ALT key at the same time, press “H” then “M”, and then “U.”. Click on the cell that you want to unmerge. To unmerge the cells using the shortcut key, follow the below steps. The shortcut key for unmerging the cells is ALT+H+M+U. For unmerging, the cells excel also has a keyboard shortcut key. In Microsoft Excel, we have several shortcut keys for all functions.
In Microsoft Excel, we can find the unmerge option under the Home menu Alignment group section “Merge & center” drop-down box, which is shown in the below screenshot. Excel functions, formula, charts, formatting creating excel dashboard & others